For some reason I'm not too thrilled with 2008. Not sure why. Nothing bad happened to me, I've been amazingly healthy, and the same goes for the ones I care for. Still, somehow feel a little 'meh' about 2008.
It's been pointed out to me by numerous (annoyingly upbeat) people that 2008 was the year I met somebody I can finally really care about and imagine a future with (Yea yea, but I never get to see him. Grr.). Plus, 2008 was the year I completed my first marathon (Yea yea, but I was so slow. Grr.). I also ran four half-marathons, an excellent 10-miler in Paris, biked a cool race with Dad, and traveled to the States twice. I moved to a new place, and somehow held on to my job, while managing to spend countless hours on random useful (and not so useful) websites. Whoppee.
It's true, it wasn't a bad year by any stretch of the imagination. Still, I'm looking forward to a fresh start, new beginnings and adventures. A brandnew, unspoiled year.
Christmas and New Year's have always been my favorite holidays (In addition to birthdays, but that's a completely different story for some other time...). Christmas mainly because of the family aspect of it. Oh, and the cookies, of course.
New Year's Eve is just fantastic because it gives me reason to reflect on my life and its direction. Is this who I want to be? Is this where I want to be headed?
Like I said, not so sure right now. Three more weeks to think about this and come up with a strategy and some goals for 2009. Or just resove to be more like Calvin.
That could work.
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