May 21, 2008

'Back in Black' or 'An Unofficial Duathlon'

[Disclaimer: I'm not trying to excuse anything, but I've been whining about this before...Lack of motivation and severe lack of training. - All self-inflicted though. Boo. I started running 'more seriously' again last August and prepared really well for my first 1/2 marathon in Amsterdam in October 2007. Tempo-runs, tons of long runs over 12 miles, even -gasp!- some speedwork (Well, "attempted speedwork"...Haha.). Ran the half, had a good time, thought I had my inherent slacker and overeating nature beat. Well, sometime around Christmas, for reasons unknown (Or maybe I just don't want to open up a can of emotional worms, who knows?), I completely lost my motivation. Managed to pack on weight, hardly ran, mostly biked. I managed to run the 1/2 in Austin alright, even though I was slower than during my first half. - I blamed the hills and not my expanding butt or lack of training. Well, 2008 so far was really low in running miles (200 or so) and my longest run was actually the Austin-Half in February. I think I ran 7.5 miles once after that. Sheesh.]

OK, so I spent last Saturday being uncharacteristically nervous and I hardly moved all day; in a feeble attempt to have 'fresh legs' on Sunday.

Sunday AM, I had the choice between tram + train + free shuttle or my bike. The bike won.
Biked 13 miles to Leiden (beautiful college town).
The race in Leiden is really well organized, but everybody seemed so professional. Somewhat intimidating, I thought. It was a beautiful day. Perfect running conditions, really.
After the Dutch National Anthem was played, the gun went off at 10:30AM.

Well, not much to say about the race, except that it seemed very, very long. Also, the water stations were set up every 5K, which for some reason seemed like a long stretch between drinks...I was so looking forward to the water/sports-drink. I walked through all of the water stations and once or twice otherwise, just to give me a break. Definitely my lamest 1/2 so far, hehe.

Good crowd support, too, and a nice course. Parts of it went through the city of Leiden, but there were quite a few stretches along the canals and fields. Pretty.

I must have been delusional at the 7K-marker already, because I thought "Uh, cool, more than half-way already." Haha, yea, not 7 miles, dumbo...

Three old, lecherous men commented on my running skirt and on how they were enjoying the 'scenery'. Sheesh. Men. But maybe they were delusional, too. Harhar.

I wouldn't say I struggled through the thing, I just took it easy and my goal was just to get to the finish line alive and without my knees acting up (Which worked...).

I did have some kick left at the end apparently, because I passed three people just before the finish line (No, they were not hugely overweight, old, or limping...).

All in all it was a fun race, even though I cursed every cookie, pizza and pint of ice cream I had downed since December...

Biked home, took a shower, collapsed on the couch...

Moral of the story:
It's more fun to run a race well-prepared and at a lower weight. (Surprise!)
A full marathon still seems overwhelming and very, very long. (But 4 1/2 is enough time to prepare, I hope.)
Uh, and 'Back in Black', because I wore all black. Skirt, shirt, hat, sunglasses. Very cool and very much incognito...

May 15, 2008


For the last two summers or so, I have been getting two weird sun-spots on my cheeks, kind of close to my nose. They come out at about the same time as the few freckles I have; just when I start to get a little tan...

The sun-spots used to bother me a little. They look slightly odd; plus they are evidence that my skin is a damaged (Actually, I blame Australia. I swear the one year there aged me about five. Damnation.). So, I use sunscreen more consistently now and try to make these skin flaws appear less obvious.

A few days ago at work, when applying some make-up and examining my skin more closely, I thought: Hell, who really gives a rat's ass. So I do have some damage. I have sun-spots and scars and freckles and moles.
I'm not perfect. I'm not unblemished.

A colleague/friend of mine gets blotchy, redish skin when she's upset or agitated. I love that. And I love that I know this about her. It's part of her and what makes her special.

I feel like people spend too much time trying to hide these small flaws; Flaws of both physical and psychological nature...

Keeping up appearances and a perfect image of oneself is too darn exhausting and a waste of time.

I'm still going to use sunscreen, I guess, but I won't be worrying too much anymore...I have flaws, wrinkles, and scars, and I won't be afraid to get some more...

Here's to imperfections!

May 13, 2008

Fighting For The Smallest Goal...

...To Gain A Little Self-Control.

[Stolen from Bartender514 on my favorite message board; who in turn stole it from Ted Leo and the Pharmacists.]

Not a lot to say, the line just strikes a cord with me.

May 10, 2008

Agent Mulder Strikes Again

I have no patience or desire to get hooked on TV shows and then have a schedule to follow, i.e. Monday is Desperate Housewives-night, Tuesday it's Lost, and so on.
Not necessarily because my life is so exciting and unpredictable that I would miss a lot of episodes on account of real-life adventures and escapades. No, I just like to get all addicted to one show and then watch nothing but said show for days or weeks.

I just recently caught up on Lost, a show which gave me a multitude of wonderfully confusing WTF-moments. Still not entirely sure whether I actually like the show or not. Meh.

A show I just recently discovered and could potentially really like: Californication with David Duchovny, the dude from X-files.
Duchonvny plays a superbly cranky, witty, messed-up writer. Some great lines and of course it doesn't hurt that he's easy on the eyes. Haha.

Family First in New Zealand apparently doesn't like the show, which is...hmm...a glowing endorsement in my book...

Sample scenes:

Hank Moody and a women are in bed. He just woke up from a bad dream and makes her laugh with some funny lines....
Woman (laughs): "LOL."
Moody: "What was that?"
W: "Hmm?"
M: "What did you just say? Just now?"
W: "What?"
M: "LOL? Laugh out loud?"
W: "Yea."
M: "That's part of your lexicon? Really? LOL?"
W: "Shouldn't it be part of yours, too? You are writing for cyperspace, you know?"
M: "Oh. And there goes my boner...Wave bye bye..."
W: "What is your issue with LOL?"
M: "I don't have an issue unless you count that fact that every time you say it, you contribute to the death of the English language"
W: "So let me get this straight. You gonna let the fact that I just said LOL get in the way of me giving you the best BJ of your life?"
M: "Not when you put it that way...
(Woman keeps kissing him)
M: "Yea, I'm not the biggest fan of the term BJ either.."

OMG, can I relate. Hehe.

in case you want to watch some more...

May 6, 2008

Gear! Need More Gear!

I wonder if running/biking/swimming (Or any kind of sport/hobby really) is just another excuse to buy more stuff...

I have enough tech T-shirts, socks, shoes and other assorted equipment, but I could always use more!
Right now, I have my eye on this:
Could sure use it for my next race (whenever that will be)...

Oh and I have NO idea why, but the next big gear purchase will be...yes...a pink bike. Somewhat like this one. With my name on it. Wonderful.

May 5, 2008

Freakishly Tan Faces. Plus Flags.

As reported previously, the weather has been fabulous lately.
True to form, a lot of Dutch people at work already sport a freakishly dark tan. Seriously people, WTF? It's May 5th, and yes, we can tell that you either roasted for hours on the beach or in some artificial tan place.
Not a cool look.

Maybe it's because there isn't a lot of sun here or something, I don't know...But a lot of Dutch people seem to be obsessed with being tan. And after age 30 (and apparently quite a few years of extreme exposure), the skin does not look pretty at all. Think leathery face, neck, and ...gasp...boob area.

Oh, and on a less judgmental note: Today was "Liberation Day" (Bevrijdingsdag). Many houses sported a Dutch flag to commemorate the liberation from the Germans in 1945.

May 4, 2008

Lest I Forget

It's my fifth (!) day off and the weather has been nothing but wonderful.
It rained once, I think, but then cleared up.

I just wanted to write it down (and post some pix later), because I tend to forget that this country does get some great weather every once in a while, too.

The 10-day-forecast is pretty encouraging, too...
Hooray for spring in Zuid-Holland!

May 2, 2008

Ride Across State Lines

Yea, that's not so amazing, considering I live somewhat close to the 'border' between Zuid-Holland and Noord-Holland. Still. Cool.

Took off with a 2-hour bike ride in mind, but because the weather was so beautiful and I felt good, ended up going for 5 hours and 20 minutes (Yes, I took a stop watch to get my net-time. Maybe I should get a little bike-computer after all...But those little fuckers make me all competitive and I check my speed all the time, so maybe not...).

Biked along the dunes towards work:

Then I passed Nordwijk, a somewhat run-down resort-type seaside village (Come to think of it, all the smallish seaside places here have this charmingly shabby look and feel to them...).
Apparently, the classiest (?) hotel there is the Palace Hotel, complete with mermaid statue:

Nice looking beach though. But what's with the British flag? Hmm.

Ended up going to Haarlem, the south end of Amsterdam, and then back along Schipol Airport, Leiden and Wassenaar.

Kind of felt like crying when I saw the sign "Den Haag, 50 kilometers" and I was all hungry and thirsty. Hehe. All in all, great ride though. Wonderful weather, too.
Oh, and just for kicks, a windmill:

May 1, 2008

Sweet Home Chicago

Ten years after I first set foot on blessed U.S. soil (haha), I will finally go back to Illinois.
Chicago, to be exact.

On October 12, 2008, at 8AM, my butt better be in shape, because I'll be lining up with more than 45 000 others to run the Chicago marathon.

Even though I despise crowds, this gets me quite excited:

Merely signing up back in January wasn't enough to get me fired up and running. For some reason, the thought of spending $130 on the registration and then not running the race didn't bother me much. But the ridiculous amount of $$ I had to shell out for the flight and four nights in an overpriced hotel will be doing the trick, I'm certain.

I have no goals other than finishing and having a good time...I've never run further than 15 miles or so = I better get cracking... Cannot wait...

Oh, and for some reason I find this hilarious:
--It’s 1400 miles to Chicago, I got a full tank of glycogen, half a pack of gu, it’s dark and I’m wearing sunglasses.
--Hit it!
Inspired by this video/movie, of course: