A lot of people think they can write. They believe they have the next great American novel sleeping somewhere inside of them. Or a collection of deep and meaningful poems; poems that will enlighten readers' lives, make people look at the world differently. A new Leaves of Grass, Grapes of Wrath, The Catcher in the Rye even. Words and sentences to influence one or more generations of readers.
Hey, or if that's too high and mighty, maybe just a bunch of Danielle Steel or Stephen King novels that will generate tons of cash.
I bet almost everybody wonders if they could be a great writer. Somebody who can speak to people. Or, alternatively, be a great musician. Somebody who can speak to people through songs. Be a riveting guitarist or revolutionary songwriter.
Why, if we feel this potential inside of us, do so many chose to never tempt fate?
Is it easier to dream? Keep wondering about the life and career that could have been? Is it simply comforting to have a fall-back fantasy?
Is it less painful to stay a budding writer/musician? Never trying is a great way to avoid risk. You'll never have to face the fact that you might not actually have any talent, that you might just suck at your dream.
But in the end, isn't a not so perfect or slightly damaged flower always better than a bud that never dared to bloom?

(Oh, I'm aware that this is overused imagery. Flowers and all. I just had some pictures to go with this. Haha.)
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