So, I'll admit it: I've been a little short-tempered and cranky at work lately. Some of it might be related to my stolen (well...lost, misplaced...whatever) MoJo (see yesterday's entry), or to my being underchallenged and bored quite a bit. OK. So grain of salt, I guess...
But: People are fucking freaks, man.
Exhibit A: I arrange substitutes for people who know that they will be gone in advance (conferences, etc.; somebody going home sick during the day). You fall ill after 4pm or in the AM, call the sub-line --> A sub will be arranged.
A few people cannot follow this (easy, right?) procedure. Dumbos.
So I get a call this AM at 7:55 (school starts at 8:30): In a whiny-ass voice the lady tells me she cannot come in. Something about a headache.
I get a little testy, telling her she's NOT supposed to call me, and there's no way in hell I'll get a sub in on time: "Why didn't you call the sub-line?" - "I just woke up." - Seriously? WTF? This just leads me to suspect you overslept and cannot be bothered to come in. Bitch.
Exhibit B: 8:00am, next "emergency": "The carpet in my room is extremely dirty. The people who used my room after 4pm yesterday left it a mess. Could you get somebody to clean it?" Sure, no problem.
Cannot reach the concierges. I forget about it. Complainer comes back. I try again. Find this older worker-dude and he helps me track down the cleaners (We're running all over the school, mind you.).
I go to the teacher's room; say the cleaners will be there in a minute: "Oh, it's too late now. I'll start the class in a minute." - Hmm, OK. Whatever.
I look over at the carpet. A fucking 6-by-10-feet thing with two small specks of dirt on it! Pick the darn thing up, shake it twice --> Problem solved. Argh.
Exhibit C: I get a call from a concerned mom. She cannot babysit another family's daughter after school, because she has her own sick child at home. Could the girl maybe go to the after-school program as a drop-in because it's an emergency situation?
Well, I ask the after-school lady. "No, no. It's not a drop-in program. We have enough kids to deal with already." Fuck.
So, I tell her that there's really no other alternative and please, could she make an exception? If she doesn't agree, I'd have to keep the girl in my office (Yea, tried to play it a little passive-aggressive. Hey, what was I supposed to do?) for an hour and a half.
Bitch isn't bothered and I'm stuck with a 5-year-old assistant. WTF?
(It was actually a lot of fun, hehe. We played with paper airplanes, delivered mail and ran some other errands...
But really? Is this how people operate? It's not my job, so I don't care?Let somebody else do it? Is that really the way you want to portrait yourself to your colleagues? Sheesh.)
Well, some other things that were equally minor, yet hugely annoying. Haha.
What gets me: So many people seem to think that minor tasks are beneath them. That somebody else will take care of it. That community-space doesn't need to be taken care of (Seriously, the principal is one of the few people who pick up a piece of trash from the ground here...Never seen anybody else do the same. I kid you not. They step over it. They SEE it and walk around it.). That you can treat people shitty because they are your aide, a concierge or a cafeteria worker.
Pisses me off.
And yes, Karma will come back to bite you in the ass ... and all those dumbos will come back as dung-beetles. Harhar.
Maybe I should have had more coffee today after all...
1 comment:
your rant made me think of this cartoon:
I love Rattelschneck's cartoons even though I find only about every fifth of them funny; but the ones I do find funny (such as this one) are hilarious and definitely worth the wait!
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