It's a 20-minute-movie about how 'stuff' is produced, used, and discarded in Western society. The clip is well-made and raises some interesting issues.
It got me thinking about how so many people are driven to own more and more stuff. Working towards the next promotion to earn more money, to buy more things, to drive a bigger car, to own a bigger house, to live a better life...
Well, a bigger life. A life with more stuff to show for your success.
This issue seemed overstated and exaggerated in the clip at first. After some more pondering and review of my life so far, I don't think it is.
Really, there are always more things we think we need. Clothes, electronics, books, cars, etc. It never freaking ends.
And does this stuff make your life better? In any way, shape or form?
Well, and it's bothered me for a while that "hanging at the mall"/going shopping seems to be a worthwhile free-time activity...Seriously? Just as nuts as making a trip to IKEA and their cheap food-court a family outing. Bah.
Back to the accumulation of stuff:
I've long felt bogged down by all the stuff I do own and all the stuff I should own.
Yea, I know, sounds weird, but in some ways I feel as if I'm not accomplished enough or am not where I'm supposed to be in life. Not only marital status-wise (or offspring-wise), but also because I have not amassed many of the typical "markers of success"...
More explicitly: No car, no house/apartment, no furniture...
I guess I'm a little conflicted: Should I start to finally get my ass into gear and work towards owning more stuff?
Or should I get rid of as many things as I can and stream-line my possessions?
Or impose a ban on myself? Go without buying anything for a certain period of time (Yea well, except food...)? How long could I do it? A month? Six months? A year?
I'll have to come back to this...
Along those lines, interesting link: A Life For Sale
I just love the idea of a completely fresh start...
Are you trying to seduce me. I always thought that I lived a seriuosly sad life because I owned nothing. No furniture, no house, no car. I bought a car when I was hit while riding my bike, but my furniture is all hand-me-down or ikea type throw away crap. Nice to know somebody else is that way too!
Oh, I have you beat for sure. I own one (IKEA! hehe) cupboard in this apartment! Nothing else.
Like I said, it's an eternal struggle between loving this 'free' life and hating it!
Glad the sorry state of my life makes you feel good. ;)
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