I'm now absolutely convinced that I have an "addictive personality". No, I don't mean that I can charm the socks off everyone and get people addicted to me. Though that would be nice. Hehe.
I mean that I will take to any kind of addiction like a fish to water.
I'm glad that I never took up smoking, for example. I know I'd probably not be able to kick the habit. Ever. (Oh, and don't get me started on weed, cocaine and the like...Creeps me out just to think about what that would do to me...Sheesh.)
Same goes for alcohol. For some reason the glass of wine with dinner can turn into a bottle or more a night pretty quickly. Not cool.
And, most importantly, I'm somehow not able to handle food and exercise in moderation at all. I'm either a super-healthy exercise nut or an overeating couch potato, who feels it's a chore to walk to the store to get more ice cream. Pff. What's with that?
I think I've noticed this 'extreme' mentality in a lot of runners actually. We obsess about weekly mileage, exact speed, perfectly distributed calories and nutrition, race splits, etc. etc. Then there's the search for the perfect shoe, the perfect race, the perfect freaking run.
I'm wondering whether runners all have the same addictive tendencies and just learned to channel them into a healthy addiction...
Hmm. Unfortunately, I haven't obsessed much about running lately. I've really been more of a marathon-eating couch dweller (Might even have broken some records when it comes to chocolate-covered Oreos. The devil must have created those little fuckers!
I'm not kidding...).
Well, I think its safe to say that I don't like this side of the 'food and exercise-extreme' at all. It sucks actually. Makes me doubt myself, my life, my future.
So I'm determined to go to the other, better extreme again...Because if the last 30+ years have proven anything, it's that I'm not good at moderation. So screw that. Moderation blows.
Maybe this should be my theme-song. Ha!
you need to fund a CUTE guys.. with an especially NICE ASS to run behind..;)..
might I suggest the following to be shortlisted for theme song selection
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