Just thought I'd put up a few pictures of my favorite cartoon/comic strip hero. Well, one of my favorites.
I put the daily Frazz-comic strip into the communication I send out here at work. Very funny stuff.

I think I can relate to Frazz' life because he also works at an elementary school and he loves to run, bike, and swim. Hmm, well, Frazz is a much better athlete than I am, but I'm working on it...

Because of Frazz's physical, and occasionally spiritual, similarity to Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes, speculation has arisen that Mallett has created an unofficial and unauthorized sequel to Bill Watterson's classic strip, and that Frazz is actually Calvin as an adult. Some other characters that are similar are Miss Wormwood and Rosalyn in Watterson's strip to Mrs. Olsen and Miss Plainwell in Mallett's strip. Mallett denies this, and has alluded to the controversy several times in the strip, including developing a ball game for Frazz and Caulfield that is modeled on "Calvinball."
In the foreword to Live at Bryson Elementary, Washington Post columnist and Mallett advocate Gene Weingarten writes, "They're [critics are] focusing not only on hair (Frazz's frizz), but also on his station in life: a brilliant underachiever. Well, Jef assures me that any similarity is unintentional." Explanations, however, have done little to influence the strips' detractors, who view it not as an homage but as simple plagiarism.
On November 29, 2006, Mallett referenced the controversy in a conversation between Caulfield and Frazz. As part of a brief story arc in which it is revealed that Frazz does not speak a second language, the comic's dialogue is as follows:Caulfield: Whoa! Mister Renaissance Man doesn't know a foreign language!
Frazz: Maybe. Maybe I do.
Caulfield: Yeah? Which one?
Frazz: Pitjantjatjara.
Caulfield: Nice. Like anybody can check.
Frazz: I also used to be Bill Watterson's assistant.
(Info from Wikipedia)
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