Came across The Oprah Show when channel-surfing. It must have been a show from last year, as we always get those things a few months late. Not sure what the topic was exactly, but it was about positive thinking, Karma, vision boards...those kinds of things.
One woman told the story about her husband getting fired. Instead of commiserating and falling into a hole, they celebrated the fact that this must have been part of the universe's plan (They celebrated with champagne no less...). The couple believed that the guy was free to do something better and more fulfilling. Within six weeks he had an exciting new job offer.
WTF, right?
Well, when I went to bed around midnight, a re-run of the show was on. Hold on! Is the universe trying to tell me something? Do I need a more positive attitude? A vision board? Karma cleansing?
Decided that anything is better than being in a funk.
So, check this space for a picture of my vision board. Coming soon...
FROM: Wikipedia "Laws of Attraction"
Many people who accept the Law of Attraction as a guide for right living do so on the basis of their faith in the Universe and The Universe's 'Laws';...Oh and CRAP: Apparently this is somewhat related to "The Secret". Pff. No fan of bestselling self-help stuff at all (And this might just me being jealous. I wouldn't mind having a crappy, bestselling self-help book. With tapes. And seminars. And stuff.).
... Some proponents of a more modern version of the Law of Attraction claim that it has roots in Quantum Physics. According to them, thoughts have an energy that attracts like energy. In order to control this energy, proponents state that people must practice four things:
- Know what one desires and ask the universe for it. (The "universe" is mentioned broadly, stating that it can be anything the individual envisions it to be, from God to an unknown source of energy.)
- Focus one's thought upon the thing desired with great feeling such as enthusiasm or gratitude.
- Feel and behave as if the object of one's desire is already acquired.
Thinking of what one does not have, they say, manifests itself in the perpetuation of not having, while if one abides by these principles, and avoids "negative" thoughts, the Universe will manifest a person's desires.
- Be open to receiving it.
This list of four steps, couched in quasi-scientific terms, is quite similar to, and was influenced by, the panentheistic "Seven Steps in Demonstration" first outlined in the book Become What You Believe by Mildred Mann (1904 - 1971):
- Desire. Get a strong enthusiasm for that which you want in your life, a real longing for something which is not there now.
- Decision. Know definitely what it is that you want, what it is that you want to do or have.
- Ask. [When sure and enthusiastic] ask for it in simple, concise language. . .
- Believe. Believe in the accomplishment with strong faith, consciously and subconsciously.
- Work. Work at it. . . a few minutes daily, seeing yourself in the finished picture. Never outline details, but rather see yourself enjoying the particular thing . . . Eventually, you will see a time where it will just appear, as a gift or such, or you may see an opportunity to get what you were asking for.
- Feel gratitude. Always remember to say, "Thank you, God [or the universe]," and begin to feel the gratitude in your heart. The most powerful prayer we can ever make is those three words, provided we really feel it. Feel as though you already have what you wanted.
- Feel expectancy. Train yourself to live in a state of happy expectancy... Find a way it will appear in your life, and keep believing in that. May it be that someone gives it to you, or you find an initiation to get it.
Maybe the vision board will have to wait...
You freaking crack me up man. I agree with almost everything you say. You speak truths in a fun way. I'd totally buy your best-selling self help book.
OK, I put you down for 50 copies (hardcover, of course).
Hey, your friends and family need to get enlightened by me, too.
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