OK, so I spent last Saturday being uncharacteristically nervous and I hardly moved all day; in a feeble attempt to have 'fresh legs' on Sunday.
Sunday AM, I had the choice between tram + train + free shuttle or my bike. The bike won.
Biked 13 miles to Leiden (beautiful college town).
After the Dutch National Anthem was played, the gun went off at 10:30AM.
Well, not much to say about the race, except that it seemed very, very long. Also, the water stations were set up every 5K, which for some reason seemed like a long stretch between drinks...I was so looking forward to the water/sports-drink. I walked through all of the water stations and once or twice otherwise, just to give me a break. Definitely my lamest 1/2 so far, hehe.
Good crowd support, too, and a nice course. Parts of it went through the city of Leiden, but there were quite a few stretches along the canals and fields. Pretty.
I must have been delusional at the 7K-marker already, because I thought "Uh, cool, more than half-way already." Haha, yea, not 7 miles, dumbo...
Three old, lecherous men commented on my running skirt and on how they were enjoying the 'scenery'. Sheesh. Men. But maybe they were delusional, too. Harhar.
I wouldn't say I struggled through the thing, I just took it easy and my goal was just to get to the finish line alive and without my knees acting up (Which worked...).
I did have some kick left at the end apparently, because I passed three people just before the finish line (No, they were not hugely overweight, old, or limping...).
All in all it was a fun race, even though I cursed every cookie, pizza and pint of ice cream I had downed since December...
Biked home, took a shower, collapsed on the couch...
Moral of the story:
It's more fun to run a race well-prepared and at a lower weight. (Surprise!)
A full marathon still seems overwhelming and very, very long. (But 4 1/2 is enough time to prepare, I hope.)
Uh, and 'Back in Black', because I wore all black. Skirt, shirt, hat, sunglasses. Very cool and very much incognito...
Great report Lara!
Sounds like you and I had a similar kind of winter. The good news is that you'll have great runs this summer, and then return to Chicago for the world's greatest marathon.
Note: Black outfit and Dutch national anthem not required!
ohh.. and whats with the football players..!!??
cannot wait for Chicago! But my summer training better be good.
maybe I should take a summer picture. Rain gear is the standard winter attire.
I think the football dudes were supposed to reign in the crazy fast dudes? Dunno. I was way back...
Who cares if you were out of shape, at least you got up and did it and that only shows your metal toughness. If only more people were like that. :Salute:
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