May 1, 2008

Sweet Home Chicago

Ten years after I first set foot on blessed U.S. soil (haha), I will finally go back to Illinois.
Chicago, to be exact.

On October 12, 2008, at 8AM, my butt better be in shape, because I'll be lining up with more than 45 000 others to run the Chicago marathon.

Even though I despise crowds, this gets me quite excited:

Merely signing up back in January wasn't enough to get me fired up and running. For some reason, the thought of spending $130 on the registration and then not running the race didn't bother me much. But the ridiculous amount of $$ I had to shell out for the flight and four nights in an overpriced hotel will be doing the trick, I'm certain.

I have no goals other than finishing and having a good time...I've never run further than 15 miles or so = I better get cracking... Cannot wait...

Oh, and for some reason I find this hilarious:
--It’s 1400 miles to Chicago, I got a full tank of glycogen, half a pack of gu, it’s dark and I’m wearing sunglasses.
--Hit it!
Inspired by this video/movie, of course:

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