I have enough tech T-shirts, socks, shoes and other assorted equipment, but I could always use more!
Right now, I have my eye on this:

Oh and I have NO idea why, but the next big gear purchase will be...yes...a pink bike. Somewhat like this one. With my name on it. Wonderful.
hallo v-mo,
den pat riley kommentar find ich lustig. Wie bist du denn da drauf gekommen? Der war ein ziemlich cooler Coach im Basketball.
cooler scatch:
yeah pink planet-x :D and only two grand, and just another grand more for pink tunes with carbon rims, peloton class baby, I only bring in tenbucksanhour so not for me but yeah if you can afford get the tunes, thats half price baby! nice smile and jubblies, you must look fine in your kit!!! have a great day, hit my links for poems and bike photos, even some worldnudebikeday cheers Kristaps
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