December 2, 2008

Excuse Me While I Bitch And Moan

I have been thinking about this ever since I moved here and have not been able to find a satisfactory answer to the fundamental question:
Why? Why in the name of all that's holy can a country that gets an exorbitant amount of precipitation (see old entry for evidence) not devise a decent drainage system? Why?

Let me explain: I bike to and from work; around 8 miles each way. Almost all the way on awesome bike paths and I love my commute. Thank you, Dutch tax payers. Really.
But: From September through April, there are basically puddles everywhere. Sometimes they stretch all the way across the bike path and stay there for days. Even if it hasn't rained in a while. How does this happen?

I guess I feel a little bit like Homer, when he got frustrated with academics and brainiacs:
Uuuh, a graduate student, huh? How come you guys can go to the moon but can't make my shoes smell good?
I mean, really. The Dutch came up with this (admittedly pretty awesome) dam-system: Deltaworks.
Look, cool stormbarrier:

And I have to ride through this:

That's just not right.


soleslide said...

I would kill for having only those puddles to deal with during the Monsoons in India, specifically in Mumbai. But it looks like they pissed you off enough to stop and take photographs.

Anonymous said...

MsLara - that's a gorgeous bike path, despite the puddles. I'm currently a prisoner of suburbia (in Austin), but I'm moving closer to work in 2009, and look forward to being able to bike to work.

I've been tagged by one of those damnable "meme" things, and I'm supposed to tag seven other random blogs - lest it cause some sort of tragic rip in the fabric of the blogosphere. Since I'm an occassional runner, I've come across your blog in the past, so this isn't totally random.

If you decide to play along with this nonsense, just check my blog for the rules. If you don't, I completely understand.

Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Living in Seattle, I gotta say those look like pretty small puddles.

I wonder if it might have something to do with the countryside being so flat? That sounds ridiculous and probably is, but it's the first thing I wondered. Where's the water supposed to run off to?

MsLara said...

I know the puddles aren't extreme, but I hate them nonetheless.
There were even larger pools of water the day after I posted this, I think I jinxed myself. Great.

Thirteen.One, you might have a point about the flatness...That's maybe a good topic for another rant.

terminal blocks said...

natural beauty