March 6, 2008

Big Freaking Surprise

Yea, cannot really say I'm surprised. Often works that way for me: Awfully good intentions, awful execution...

I don't know how some people do it...Post on their blog every day or (gasp!) even multiple times a day.
Either my life is way too boring or I'm just lazier than average...Probably both.

I have this long lists of things I want to write about (And I DO have scribbled notes; typed-up, half-finished pieces; old essay-drafts...) + a gazillion pictures on my computer and in two large cardboard boxes (which need to be scanned...sigh...). Still, looks like the level of posting-urgency hasn't hit 'orange alert' just yet...

So well, now at least here's a post about how I just couldn't be bothered to post.
Hey, it's a start.

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